Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2 Days in New York [Blu-ray]

Delpy Turns French Stereotypes Upside Down in a Funny Farce with the Help of a Solid Rock
Julie Delpy really has a good ear for shrewdly observational, overlapping conversations. It started with her Richard Linklater-directed bookends, 1995's Before Sunrise and 2004's Before Sunset, in which she and Ethan Hawke contributed much of their own dialogue (and earned adapted screenplay Oscar nominations for the latter). She then translated her unique gift to her own sophomore directorial effort, 2007's 2 Days in Paris, a romantic dramedy that mined her character's repressed hesitancies about settling down with a neurotic, irritating interior decorator named Jack. Delpy comes back again as the star, director, and writer (this time partnering with co-star Alexia Landeau, who plays her sister Rose) of this 2012 sequel, a culture clash comedy paced like a free-for-all...

We need more movies like this
We need more movies where the female character is more complex and interesting like this movie. I love 2 Days in Paris and again 2 Days in New York. Chris Rock's character is also funny and not one sided. Chris Rock needs to find more of this type of character for his acting career. Kudos to Julie Delpy for writing, producing, directing and starring. Please Julie, give us more movies like this.

I wasn't going to watch this, cause the trailer wasn't all that, but I then I read Ed Uyeshima's review (the first one here, go Ed go!) and I was like "whoa! some professional reviewer guy on Amazon?.... a female Woody?"

And that got me going. Its been a while since I've seen SUCH a fun movie... So many things! Right off the bat, the funny things, coming fast and furious..."squeezing, squeezing, squeezing"... And Cris Rock! What a perfect addition (conversations with Obama). And the fight for her soul with Vincent Gallo, and Chris didn't believe it??? LOL!!!!!!!! The kids in costumes with blood! "Want some grass to take back to Italy?" HA HA HA...The elevator scenes... <gulp>...the scenes when she fights with her sister! 5, 1/2 French sisters, they'll love it, I'll have to have them see it.

The supporting cast was totally amazing too, all of them FUNNY AND favorite was her dad, particularly the scene when he was tickling Chris Rock...

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