Sunday, September 15, 2013


Much better than I expected based on the negative Amazon reviews...
I enjoyed all 132 minutes of this film, although I was reluctant to rent it at first based on some of the negative reviews here. It was one of the better films I've seen in a while. Without getting into the plot (do we really need long, amateur interpretations of the plot?), it was also better than what I expected after viewing the trailer. If you're considering renting it don't hesitate. I'm not recommending purchasing it since it's not the type of movie someone would watch more than once. The entire cast did a great job of making this movie highly entertaining. The supporting roles played by Travolta, Hayek, and Del Toro were superbly done. Most of the negative reviews seem to be from people having higher expectations from Oliver Stone, or from having read the book, but I was simply looking for something worth watching. Thank you for taking the time to read my review.

Grisly cat and mouse thriller
Oliver Stone returns to his most violent movie since "Natural Born Killer," this time focusing on a couple marijuana entrepreneurs and their shared girlfriend. Chon (Taylor Kitsch in his best movie role yet) is a former Navy SEAL who manages to bring back potent marijuana seeds from his tour in Afghanistan. His lifelong friend Ben (Aaron Johnson) is hooked on Buddhism and doing charitable work in Africa. His college degree is in business and botany. How perfect. Together they amicably share a love interest in Ophelia (another surprising performance from Blake Lively), who is known as "O."

As the story centerpiece "O" is the glue that holds things together. She's also the chief weed sampler. The story suggests that this relationship may be a bit more than two boys liking a girl but that question is never quite answered. Hmm. All is well until they get an "invitation" to join a powerful Mexican cartel headed by Elena (Salma Hayek). Saying no is not a good idea, as...

Better than I thought it would be
I was expecting to be disapointed after reading all of the negative reviews. While I can't say that it was a great movie I do think it was very entertaining and I will probably buy the DVD.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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