Monday, September 9, 2013

Iris Blond

'Atsa! Bella senza trucco!
Middle-aged guy hates his dull musician career, hooks up with foxy young girl, they quickly take off with success, then he loses girl to the very success he built up for them. There's so many funny characters and a great back-story in this traditional tragic comedy. I'd be disappointed if it was dubbed. The Italian-Belgian-French-English dialogue (w/ English subtitles) is part of this film's character. Yes, the euro-techno-pop music that gets them their success makes the "success" part a little far-fetched, but pretend it was really awesome and go with the story. (The end title song is pretty memorable though, both versions. And that "Nervous" song gets stuck in your head, regrettably.) A good film overall. Well worth it if you're into foreign comedies at all, you won't be disappointed.

"A Star Is Born" - Italian Style
Carlo Verdone's I'M CRAZY ABOUT IRIS BLOND is best described as an hilarious Italian twist on A STAR IS BORN. The movie is one of the better contemporary Italian comedies and the wackiness that dominates the beginning and middle parts of the flick will keep you laughing, before the sad turn it takes towards the end causes you to shake your head with sympathy for everyman Romeo.

Carlo Verdone stars as Romeo, a middle aged musician who's seen better days. This Romeo is as unlucky in love as he is with the music business. After his girlfriend leaves him for his partner and best friend, Romeo seeks the advice of a fortune-teller who informs him that he will find his love and fortune in a woman speaking in verse and named after a flower.

Meeting Marguerite, an aging Belgian chanteuse and devotee of Jacques Brel, the two quickly partner up, both professionally and romantically. Romeo soon grows weary of Marguerite. He can't take anymore of her doting over her toy...

The plot is very simple: a middle aged musician is obsessed by what a fortune teller told him about him falling in love with a singer who writes poetry and her name means a flower.

It is a very funny movie. The actor is very funny and spontaneous. Although my Italian is not very good I laughed more than an average Hollywood comedy. Even more than My Big fat Greek wedding that was considered one of the funniest movies in Hollywood (I did not find it that funny!)

I encourage you to watch it, to see how other countries make comedies.

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