Monday, September 9, 2013

Inside John Lennon

Good balanced perspective
Nice dvd. Good, though, brief overview of Lennon's career. I liked the comments by his old mates in his first band,
the Quarry Men and his sister Julia. Nice to see Tony Sheridan along, too; he certainly gives an interesting view of John and the Beatles.
Nice footage, pretty good quality. No music or performances by John or the Beatles, unfortunately. Still, good stuff. Candid and insightful views. Two personal stories are added as a bonus. Very decent product at a good price. Only negative: the American narrator. That's okay, though, he doesn't talk much in the video. Much better to have had a Brit narrating. Peace.

fine Lennon retropsective even if a bit rushed...
Inside John Lennon gives us a great look at John Lennon's life and times using archival black and white footage, black and white stills of John with The Quarry Men and The Beatles, and recent interviews with his contemporaries. This well made documentary rushes through John's later years in the 1970s; but still we gain great insight into the man who was John Lennon.

The documentary begins with Lennon's childhood and uses extensive interview footage with Julia Baird, John Lennon's sister. There are great commentaries by Alistair Taylor and Alf, the chauffeur for The Beatles. We even get commentary by Allan Williams, the first manager for the band. We learn how Brian Epstein molded The Beatles into something more marketable by changing their leather rock and roll trendy outfits to more classic, "good boy" guys with their jackets and ties.

In addition, we get special recent interview footage with several members of The Quarry Men; and we gain insight as to why Pete...

Wish there was more....
The first two-thirds of the dvd is fantastic. Is has freinds and John's sister (who knew he had one?) talking about the early days and the Beatles era. John in the Seventies gets barely ten minutes, then it goes right to the assisination. Surely there must have been news footage and freinds available from John Lost Weekend period. That's probably worth a whole dvd itself.

And, yes, Yoko did break up the Beatles.

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