Monday, September 9, 2013

Big Tits Zombie

After A Slow Start, There Are Plenty Of Great Camp Moments: DVD Offers Several Ways To Watch
You've got to admire a movie whose very title will be censored by the automated review system that regulates this site. So for the purposes of my comments, I'll just refer to this epic as "BT Zombie." This Japanese endeavor from 2010 has been called a number of different things internationally (most notably BT Dragon, which makes absolutely no sense), but "BT Zombie" really gives you the character of the movie. However, in full disclosure, most of the actual zombies are not particularly buxom. It is our heroines who display ample mammary glands as "dancers" who find themselves in a battle with the undead. For guys who think this is going to be a full-on onslaught of nudity, there are really only a few sequences that feature actual disrobing.

3D: The movie has both a 2D and a 3D option. There are two classic 3D glasses included, but the whole presentation is not in 3D. At various moment in the film, an icon will pop up alerting you that a 3D...

Very silly movie! Some segments are in 3D (glasses included). This movie openly makes fun of it's self with voice overs pointing out the continuity flaws, the use of the same extras and so on. SPOILER ALERT... There are no big tits in this film, just sexy asian girls and jokes

as a sola aoi fan...this still sucks
bought it hoping to get something weird and good like man woman wall, definitely disappointed. this movie was full on nonsense all the way. they couldn't even mask the low budget with more topless scenes. it was just a poor flick all around. the camera work was bad, acting bad, story was a joke, it really looked like an intermediate school kids youtube project.

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