Saturday, September 14, 2013

CHiPs 99

Get ready for high speed action . . . CHiPs is back!!!
This movie is great as not only as a sequel to the series, but as a stand-alone movie itself. I was a fan of the series as a kid in the 70's & 80's, and with the introduction of new series' I gradually drifted away from CHiPs in syndication, but CHiPs '99 kind of whetted my apitite to revisit some of the old episodes and "rewatch them for the first time", and it's been a great ride all around.

Awesome Return
What else can I say beside wonderful! I used to be a big fan of the show as a kid and as an adult I just loved the new version. Great bikes, lots of action and Ponch at his best. This movie is a wonderful version of the old television series and if it came on tv again, I would watch it. There are some very good scenes. Who wouldn't love to see another movie like that? Jon had some trouble with his position as a Captain and the return of Ponch. It was hard for him to keep defending him. But hey, someone has to keep that guy in line. Loved the flashback bits and it was nice to see that Jon finally got married. Although I would have loved to see more of Sandy. And I loved the helicopter pilot Stormy. Very funny guy.

Ponch comes up with some wacko ideas the entire movie, but the guy is rarely wrong. You got to give him credit for that. He knows no rules, but would you want someone else to watch your back? The music was great. I think of of my favorite scenes was on Judge...

The magic is still there baby!
For the 25 years I have spent on this planet, I would have to say I spent 22 of them glued to "CHiPs". The chemistry betwen Frank Poncherello and Jon Baker is electric. "CHiPs" 99 is the same formula of the past set to current times. I myself was shocked to see officer Baker take the place of the legendary Srg. Gatrare. As far as Ponch goes, what can I say he's still Ponch. As soon as Ponch and Jon reunite the magic is back. The pyro stunts "CHiPs" was known for are better than ever. True "CHiPs" lovers are going to flip over the cameos of past "CHiPs" stars Bonnie, Baricsa, Fritz, Harlin, Captin Gatrare , and of course Grossman. The icing on the cake is the blockbuster Ponch lays on everybody at the end.

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