Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dream West

Excellent Series
Well acted, enjoyable series for most any age. recommended without reservation . I'm sure you would enjoy if you like stories about a part of our history.

It's about time!
I've been waiting for this mini-series to come out on DVD for years. The story of John C. Fremont is well told and chronicles his explorations and mapping of the American West. Alice Krige does a wonderful job of portraying Fremont's strong-willed wife and the cast is stellar. The picture quality is very good considering this was televised almost 30 years ago. I never could figure out why it hasn't been shown again and why it took so darned long to come out in DVD format. Even though this is no "Centennial" or "The Thorn Birds", Richard Chamberlain does a very good job as Fremont in this lesser known miniseries. Well worth purchasing--however, you might want to shop around for a better price. I got mine through WB Archives at a more reasonable price than I see listed here.

Dream West DVDs
I was very disappointed that it did not have closed captions. After about 15 minutes trying to understand what the actors were saying I put the DVDs away. For elderly persons who are hard of hearing, it was a waste of money.

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