Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Nothing is Normal in Normal, Alaska when the small little town is hit with quakes, fire, underground spikes and ice meteors. The local sheriff, his pilot wife and their two kids must figure out why it is happening. Could it be the mysterious gift that was left on their doorstep on Christmas Eve? Their son has the sneaky suspicion that it is.

Brought to you by the Executive Producers of Ice Quake, Mega Cyclone, Mongolian Death Worm and Stonehenge Apocalypse; Snowmaggedon-despite what everyone else has to say- is a pretty decent movie. I'll admit, the title is abit misleading(as the movie doesn't really have anything to do with end of the world stuff). However, for a SyFy Original, it kept me entertained until the end. This makes the second SyFy Original that I've purchased and twice I've liked the movies...so, at least, we know that SyFy is getting better at these wild movies(sometimes the plots are wayyy out there, lol) they put out there.

I know everyone is...


It is hard to spoiler the plot of a production of this SyFy caliber. The movie opens with ominous music as a gift is placed on the doorstep of the Miller family during Christmas season in Normal, Alaska. It reminded me a bit of the beginning of "Evil Toons" but without porn stars. But I soon discovered one does not have to be a porn star to be a bad actor. If you missed the films, "Earthquake," "Avalanche" "Jumanji," "Volcano," "Ice Age 2012," and "ROTK" you are in for a real treat.

The gift is opened by "Dragon of the Crown" player Rudy (Dylan Matzke) the young boy. It contains a snow globe that contains a detailed replica of the town. Within about 10 minutes you will figure out whatever happens inside the evil snow globe, happens to this now isolated town. The question is who left it and why, something guessed at, but never fully explained.

Meanwhile the world's greatest snowboarder, Derrick Reed (Jeffrey Ballard)...

Solid acting by everyone. Plot is OK
This is a Friday-night syfy movie. This is NOT a multi-billion dollar production.
For its production cost, this is a solid movie and very good.
Acting is solid and direction is good.
Effects may be so-so, but i like the actors and their natural panic.
A bit like LOTR.

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