Sunday, September 15, 2013

Superman: The Movie / Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut / Superman Returns [Blu-ray]

Triple Feature
This is a great purchase. You get three movies for the price of one. It comes in a single box but each film has its own Blu-ray disc (3 in total) so you do not have to worry about data loss due to compression.

Superman The Movie - Is the extended cut remastered. The video quality is only slightly better than on DVD.

Superman II The Richard Donner Cut - Let's face it, this is the reason you want to buy this. And it is terrific. The video quality is superior and music is crisp. This is why its better to buy this three disc set rather than its stand-alone version.

I have not seen Superman Returns, therefore cannot comment.

Bonus material included
Warner Brothers usually starts a film immediately after the BD loads. This may have confused other reviewers. At each BD's main menu you will find listed all of the bonus found on the individual movie releases. At least this is true for my December 2012 Amazon purchase. I did notice my player prohibited going to the main menu until the movie started. Also, a Pop-up menu exists and has a link to special features. My individual release of one of the films behaves the same way so these discs are equivalent to the individual releases.

Main video bonus (numbers are minutes:seconds):
Superman the Movie: Donner/Mankiewicz Commentary
Taking Flight(30:14); Making Superman(30:41); Additional Footage(9:21)
Superman II Donner Cut: Donner/Mankiewicz Commentary
Intro(1:54); Doc(13:20); Deleted scenes(8:44)
Superman Returns: Main Doc(173:42); Resurrecting Jor-El (4:00); Deleted Scenes(15:54)

I verified that "Superman Returns" has Dolby...

Trilogy Blu Ray Review
As one who is an avid superhero fan, though doesn't consider Superman to be my fav (that honor goes to the best superhero, Batman), I was happy to see a fairly inexpensive bluray set of these three films.

Having feared (from previous blurays) that the quality of transfer for the first two Superman films would be no better than the DVD, I was pleased to see that they do seem to be a high quality transfer and looked pretty good. The sound, two was pretty good.

My only criticism was that I was hoping for some special features, but given the price, it is definitely a lot better than the more expensive Superman Anthology...hopefully Superman III and IV will be out on blu-ray separately at some point so I can completely my set...for now, the two best Christopher Reeve Supermans and the new one will have to do!

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