Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Nutcrackers

Not worth your money or your time.
The animation is choppy (it's like they only animate every 3rd frame, or something, and gives somewhat of an old stop motion animation feel that's not endearing) and sloppy (they wave a bag of flour at a character, and then poof, there's magically flour on their face!). The voice acting is poor, and at times emotionless. In addition, one of the characters says "oh my God"(whereas most kid shows will substitute the euphemistic "oh my gosh", which they also say several times). Save your money and watch it free on a streaming service. But beware, despite all of these flaws your children may fall in love with it, requesting to watch it over and over like my 3 year old does, so you may just want to stay away in the first place.

Just awful
This movie is terrible. The animation is distractingly bad, and jarring to watch. The voice acting is consistently whiney, and the story depressing. Unfortunately our 2.5 year old likes it. I would avoid this movie altogether and get something else.

We'll watch again
Picked this up, not knowing what to expect wanting a family video both kids would enjoy. I have got to say, both kids laughed out loud- they never do. Most movies also do not keep their attention for more than 30 minutes- they watched the whole thing. The animation was cute and there was a great message.

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