Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Natural Selection

Solid film with a lot of heart
Heard that this film had won a lot of film festivals - but I didn't know anything about it, and I had only vaguely heard of the actors. Pleasantly surprised. I laughed. I cried. Would definitely recommend, which I'm doing right now!

It May Have Just Been Me
Well acted. Beautifully filmed. But this movie just did't work for me. It's a dark comedy, for sure, and maybe it was just my mood that day.

Left-of-center movie delivers
I was recently browsing for a good movie in the film section of my local library and stumbled upon this. I looked at the DVD jacket and noticed this won some awards at various movie festivals, and that was good enough for me.

"Natural Selection" (2011 release; 90 min.) brings the story of Linda (played by Rachael Harris), who lives within a closed Christian comunity in suburban Houston. Linda finds out that her husband Abe has a 23 yr. old son, now living in Florida, the result of Abe's frequent visits (unbeknownst to Linda) to the local sperm donor bank. Abe suffers a stroke and may be in his last days, and as a last wish, he asks Linda to look up his son and bring him back for one final visit. Linda obliges and finds Raymond (played by Matt O'Leary). Raymong couldn't be more different from Linda ans his only motivation to join Linda for the drive back is that he seems to be in trouble with the law. What we get next is a road movie that chronicles the ups and downs of...

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