Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trilogy of Life (The Decameron, The Canterbury Tales, Arabian Nights) (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Best transfer of these films, but....
If you are planning to order these BDs, chances are you need no introduction to Pasolini's Trilogy of Life.(*1)

I first watched these films during my college years, and was immediately drawn to Pasolini's very unconventional film-making techniques.(*2) Thus, when these were up for sale last November from the redoubtable Criterion Collection, I preordered the blu-ray set. The "Criterion magic" does not disappoint, but.... If memory serves, there are more than 3 or 4 instances when vertical red straight lines appear prominently in the Canterbury Tales.(*3) So here is the puzzle: Why are they (still) there after the careful restoration?

I love Criterion Collection. Even though their products are more expensive, they are almost always worth the additional cost. In particular, these are great improvements from BFI's Region B (UK) blu-ray releases in terms of clarity, contrast, color scheme and especially naturality of the skin tone. So they are really currently the...

Pasolini The Master
In a sentence: A cinematographic experience.
Pasolini takes you to beyond your imagination. Love the architecture and the spaces he creates. He approaches cinema as painting.

lost world and lost art
Pasolini's Trilogy Of Life reminds us of what life used to be and what cinema could do before it was castrated by US "franchises"

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