Friday, September 13, 2013

Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat [Blu-ray]

You and Your Dreamcoat, Ahead of Your Time!
The film approach to this musical was a smart move-- the "we'll tape a performance" approach is kinda cheesy. The sets were great, especially the desert scene, and the costumes were imaginative. The songs were very nice; they go from a catchy jingle-type advertisement for "Jacob and Sons" to a Western theme ("One More Angel in Heaven"), to a somewhat 1920's approach in "Potiphar," to a 1960's Austin Powers-ish "Go Go Joseph", to the bluesy Elvis-themed "Song of the King", and to the Jamaican "Benjamin Calypso."

Donny Osmond shines as Joseph: he can really sing! Richard Attenborough was very good as Jacob, who sang a few lines and was actually pretty good at it! Mrs. Potiphar (Joan Collins) was hilarious, as was Robert Torti as Pharaoh "The King." (He was my dad's favorite character; he's watched the Pharaoh's song about a million times.) The eleven brothers are really funny, too! The...

Amazing--- and not just in the title...
Ever since I saw this show on stage in LA about ten years ago, I've been dying to have a copy I could watch over and over and over... Well, that day has come. I saw the video version on a recent trip to London-- and am sold on it's value. The cast is amazing, lead by Donny Osmond's unflappable vocal ability. Unlike the cats video, no songs have been cut out, and no songs have been shortened, with the possible exception of the Joseph Megamix, which has been revamped to serve as an end credit theme. The sets have been built as immersive environments, not a filmed version of the stage show. Also of note-- a preview before the show of the new production of Jesus Christ Superstar set to come to video this Easter!

A Video Worth the Wait
After seeing the teaser ad for this production on the Cats video, I was looking forward to the chance to see it. I'd known about Joseph for years, but had never had the chance to see it on stage. I'm pleased to report that the video was worth the wait.

The performers are fantastic. I'd not heard anything of Donny Osmond since his teen idol days, and was pleased to find that he has an even better voice than I'd remembered. Maria Friedman (Narrator) is also a joy to see and hear. In fact, all of the music throughout is so infectious that I've found myself humming Joseph songs during lulls at work - and at home - and in the car, well, you get the picture.

The sets are colorful and imaginative (my daughter especially enjoys the large Egyptian head with the moving eyes used during the Pharoh's song (I did have to explain the heavy references to Elvis Presley, but then she's only 5 -- give her time). And the costumers deserve a round of applause for the title...

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