Friday, September 13, 2013

Snowman [Blu-ray]

Memorable and Out of the Ordinary
Not your usual children's video, THE SNOWMAN will transport you to a magical fantasy world with nothing but moving music and gentle images of this little boy and his wonderful snowy friend. No dialog is needed here, you simply sit back and let yourself relax and enjoy the experience. First time I showed this film to my classroom of four year olds they were fixated to the screen and I was amazed at how much emotion the story evoked in me. I bought the film for my own nieces and they watch it over and over, not just at holiday time. It has now become a classic in our own children's video library. A must have for the entire family.

The Snowman
The first time I was able to view this film was with my son's preschool group. The class was silent and all the children sat in awe of the magnificent journey of James and the Snowman. Once the film was finished, they begged the teacher to play it again. I have 7 children ranging in age 14 months to 13 years, and they all love it as well. The touching music and beautiful animation make you feel like you are right there with them on their journey. It brought tears to my eyes when he wakes in the morning to find his snowman gone, but the gift from his trip to visit Santa is still in his pocket, giving him the sense that it wasn't a dream after all.This film has something for everyone.Brilliant!

The music makes it
I bought this video, indeed searched for it after I heard the snowman's song. I take it out to listen to it often. I wish they would release a sound track or something. The song is haunting and lyrical. It feels like flying through a winter sky should feel. Enjoy it for yourself.

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