Friday, September 13, 2013

Nitro Circus The Movie

3D review. This packs a punch.
Nitro Circus takes a group of daredevils and shows what happens when you take stunts to the absolute limits. This is truly a heart pumping ride worth taking. You'll see tri-cycles jump ramps across buildings,huge car flips,insane dirt bike jumps,buses flying across the sky,wheel chairs attempting to go through loops,and the whole time the cast takes it as if it's just another day at the office. The whole films leads up to a finale which highlights the first live Nitro Circus show in Vegas.

The 3D here is a nice supplement. The material doesn't need it,but it certainly adds to the overall experience. The movie itself is quiet a knockout,but the 3D insures you stay down for the count.

Pros: The stunts are insane here. Without a doubt it's hard to believe no one has been seriously,life crippling injured attempting any of this. Some of it is pretty funny as well.

Cons: I felt at times they took too long in between shots to get the input of celebrities and...

I am a big fan of Travis and Friends and have purchased all the previous videos. I was not entertained. I called my friends to watch for the first time and most left early.
Looks like they must have had a contract to fulfill and were just going through the motions.
Second: I would like to ask ....Did Travis retire? its seems all he did was congratulate others for doing stunts.

If you liked the show, you'll love the movie. It's Nitro Circus, what's not to love? I mean, it's Travis, Jolene and the crew. Buy it. Now.

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