Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Island President

Our world's last hope
I loved how I could stream this movie from Amazon. I have been trying to find this movie for a very long time! I finally found it! Though, the resolution from this stream is not that good, just being able to watch the movie when no other site has it, is awesome in itself! Thank You Amazon! God Bless You!

As for the movie, I think it covers a great deal about climate change and global warming. I think all the data was dead on and that I love how they showed beautiful footage of the Maldives and went into the history of the Maldives thirty years ago. I think that the world will need someone like president Nasheed to prevent the world from going under, unless we somehow find a way to live underwater or in space, then we truly need some like Nasheed. If I am spelling the name wrong, go ahead and correct me, but I have just got to say, for those who are majors in environmental science,politics, or meteorology, or who have a degree in these fields, this is a much watch film! Or...

Inspirational story of a couragous person
I found this documentary to be a very inspiring story of a man that has persevered hard times and is willing to stand up for what he believes in....the survival of his people and their history & culture. It is both a sad story and yet one of hope, that people like this Island President exist and flourish for brief times in human history. Let's hope the commitments he helped achieve in Copenhagen lead to some real actions on the part of governments to address climate change.

The Island President
A great film that everyone should see. So many have no clue of how climate change creates problems for others so far away.

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