Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prairie Love

Love, Awkwardness, And Relative Isolation: An Extreme Indie Showcasing An Unlikely Romance
"Prairie Love," from writer/director Dusty Bias, is an extremely low-budget indie that hopes that you will be captivated by its eccentricity and quirkiness. It has an unusual and appealing story that might have been mined for big laughs or intense drama. Bias, instead, keeps things on an even keel with a very understated tone. If you watch a lot of independent cinema, you'll recognize many of the arty conventions here. There is stilted dialogue, meaningful silences and stagnant camera shots taken from abstract angles. All of these things can and have been used to good affect in numerous other films, but "Prairie Love" starts to feel a little monotonous due to pacing issues. It's a real shame too, because I love the central plot line of the film and found the actors strangely appealing. As a odd love story, the screenplay comes close to succeeding. And as a comedy, there are hints of a great movie in evidence. Bias has a wonderful and original idea for a movie, but it just...

Crazy Love on the Lam
This movie reminds me a lot of "Fargo" and its many moments of jolting surprise and impromptu change. While its story or plot may initially appear to be blase - a cowboy drifter aimlessly travelling across a wide-open, snowbound prairie in a beat-up old station wagon - something suddenly happens to change all that. He picks up a hitchhiker whose car has broken down in the middle of a blizzard and, all of a sudden, that which was once a ho hum existence, now becomes a fascinating tale of love, lust and murder. As the hitchhiker shares his story about going to visit a female penpal at a local penitentiary, the drifter suddenly comes alive. As a survivor who has always lived his life on the margins of society, the wonders of sex have never been part of his lonely lifestyle. Now as he listens to the fantastic plans of his new travelling companion, his mind becomes transformed. He, too, wants to be able to have a woman in his life, and the only way he can do it is to hijack the other man's...

What a wonderful movie! Finally, something new to watch.
I lived in the North for years... you could feel the cold from your theater seats. I really loved the humor; I am so tired of all the movies out there...the same thing over and over again. Prairie Love gives "love stories" a fresh face. It is fun and touching. I loved every minute. I shall be watching for whatever this new writer gives us next. We can only hope he doesn't take too long.

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