Monday, September 16, 2013

Ocean's Triple Feature (Eleven / Twelve / Thirteen) [Blu-ray]

Decent Movies - Amoung the Worst Blu Ray Transfer
I enjoyed the movies my self and looked forward to the BD release, but when I put them in my player and noticed the almost DVD quality video I felt ripped off. There are numerous artifacts through out the movies and bad colors. Buy with caution.

for those looking for this box set on Blu-Ray.... STAY AWAY!
This is, without a doubt, the WORST quality blu-ray movie I have seen!! what were they thinking when they did this transfer? It is hard to see a big difference in this regular DVD and the Blu-ray.

The movies are great. the quality is a real let down. This review is based on the HD quality, not the review of the movie, as it should be on the Blue ray box set listing. Don't waste your money until they do a better job with the quality of the conversion

Three of the few movies I care to watch again and again. In a box.
The pros:
Brilliant ensemble cast
Entertaining story lines that are enjoyable through multiple viewings

The cons:
Lack of special features (Ocean's 12 disk special feature consists of...drumroll please...the TRAILER alone)
No real justification to buy box set unless you are just really really excited about owning, well, the box

Click to Editorial Reviews

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