Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Beer Tale

The story takes place in 1992, Longmont, Colorado. The Frankenstein family owns the Left Hand brewery. We are introduced to this while listening to Irish music for some reason I could not fathom. Orphan twins Cory (Lee Roy Kunz) and Luke (Cru Ennis) mature at different rates. Luke suddenly wants to have a relationship with one woman while women just want to have sex with him, something he sees as an issue. Meanwhile Cory, who is overly immature and obnoxious works to sabotages Luke's attempt at decency.

While this is going on the twins are attempting to make a "family beer" that doesn't "taste like p**s." I found the concept of a "family beer" as confusing as the Irish music playing to introduce the Frankenstein family. While this is supposed to be a teen comedy, I failed to see the humor in this shallow tale. Cheap humor.

Parental guide: F-bomb, sex, stripper nudity(porn star Jayden Jaymes), Deals with homosexual issues.

Watching this completely amateur film, I felt like I was on an ADHD roller coaster as each scene jumped from one bizarre thing to the next. One of the worst movies I've ever watched. Don't waste your time or money on this one.

A Beer Tale
Not exactly what I had in mind, but the movie is funny for a younger group of people. Plot is often used; however, Zelda is a breadth of fresh air!

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