Monday, September 9, 2013

Stanley Kubrick Triple Feature (2001: A Space Odyssey / A Clockwork Orange / The Shining) [Blu-ray]

2001: A Space Odyssey/ Clockwork Orange / The Shining
There is much discussion elsewhere on each of these films in terms of plot summary, meaning, and value so I won't get into that. My reviews are strictly regarding the transfer from Standard Definition to Blu Ray for all 3 films. Surprising to me is that the transfers are pretty much even across the board from film to film. You will find that my reviews for all 3 become pretty much redundant.

The Shining displays a beautiful video transfer with natural colorizations showing off Kubrick's wonderful lens craft and cinematography. There was no unnatural grain, artifacts or aliasing to be found. The video transfer was exceptionally done. The film begins to play as soon as you put the disc in and the audio defaults to a lossy DD 5.1 . You will need to go to the menu to switch the audio to PCM 5.1 lossless audio. It does make a big difference. However, the audio transfer really only uses the front stage and there is very little use of any discreet audio to either the...

Great Collection and Quality
Stanley Kubrick can be a tough director to love -- he had a cold and clinical approach to filmmaking, and his long shots often put people off. He was a true auteur though, and his influence can be seen in modern filmmaking today (Christopher Nolan and Paul Thomas Anderson are some high-profile examples). This Blu-Ray collection is a nice sampler of Kubrick's work: it contains some of his best work, and it's an ideal purchase for anyone interested in understanding why Stanley Kubrick is such a heralded name in cinema.

This Blu-Ray collection include three of Stanley Kubrick's most influential films: 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and The Shining. The Blu-Ray editions of these movies are a greatly marked improvement of many of the DVD transfers that were published in the 90's and 00's. From what I can tell, these transfers seem to be the exact same ones that you would see if you bought these Blu-Rays standalone. Great news, right? Buying this collection...

Great Quality
Got this set for the cheap price of $10. !
The quality of the BD is fantastic. 2001 looks like it was made in the last couple of years. Every scene is crystal clear. Same for Clockwork and Shining. You get 3 separate discs and they have nice special features. If you love Kubrick, get this set!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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