Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Doctor's Wife

Exceptional experience
This documentary was quirky, funny, heart-wrenching and exhilarating. For anyone moving to a small community, watch this movie and take notes. There are few better ways to ingratiate yourself to a new place than to become part of the community, and these guys show you how that's done. Recommended.

Funny, inspirational and moving
This Australian doco will strike a chord with anyone who has had to re-establish themselves in a new town. Vincent and Jonathan relocate from big-city Brisbane to a small (very small!) town in Central Queensland. Jonathan has documented their move in this terrific film. While Vincent slotted quickly into a busy country medical practice, Jonathan was left to find ways to become a part of his new community. As "the doctor's wife" he had a certain role to play. The ways he does this, and the reactions and feelings of the townsfolk, (most of whom had never, to their knowledge, met anyone gay), is a revelation. Anyone contemplating a similar move could do much worse than follow some of Jonathan's advice.
This is a funny, and ultimately very moving, story and well worth the time to check it out

Pleasantly surprised
when I read some of the reviews, I almost skipped watching this little film. But I decided to watch it anyway. I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed it. Jonathan is a very talented film maker and artist. I found this film to be interesting and worth the watch. Give it a try.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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