Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Korean War

"War is Not a Movie"
Korea:The Forgotten War is perhaps an excellent accounting provided on 3 DVD's.There are Historians who provide very detailed information that place the conflict in a more appropiate light.The use of the word appropiate is that this offer presented by the timeless media group is very nearly balanced and thorough.The film establishes how the sides came to be which is very interesting.It is equally perhaps a failure that as it was pointed out The United States sensing another War would be imminent if Simon Rhee(First President of South Korea) was provided with the weapons that he requested.Provided the ROK with small arms and some artillery.It was thought that the North and the South were about equal in there standing numbers which The United States were satisfied that they weren't going anywhere.It is the North where the problem came from as what the United States did for the South was not what Russia did for North Korea.The North had a terribly disparate relationship with the South...

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