Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dust Up

Dark Campy Humor, Great Soundtrack
For a low budget indie movie, this was a good effort by Ward Roberts and crew. Some parts were outstanding, and other parts lacking.

- The main lead and villain did a superb job on their parts. Campy, yet professional.

- The Music and how it flowed with the plot was outstanding. Gotta get me some spindrift

- The lead lady and her man lacked feeling, and it was hard to really get into feeling emotional for their "hardships." It was a hard sell on seeing why anyone would help them out.

- The plot flow could have been better. I had trouble buying into the plot at times. Yes, it was supposed to be cheesy and campy. I just believe it could have kept my interest better.

- Some of the support actors were a little weak. I wonder if it was the characters or the expectations of the director?

Even though it was choppy, It kept my interest through the whole film. It was enjoyable for a dark humored,...

Awesome movie!
The film is a wild ride throughout. Reminds me of a Tarantino or Rodriquez movie. Lots of action and laughs throughout. Highly recommend it.

Funny and unexpected
Wow. just... wow. I really love this movie. Very funny and twisted. You really love the characters you, both the good guys and the bad guys. highly recommend if you're looking for something totally awesome.

This movie is not for young children due to violence and some gross out moments.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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