Saturday, September 14, 2013


Definitely a Movie to smoke & laugh too!
Very Funny movie! Definitely a movie 2 smoke then watch! Devin the Dude & Lil Duval are 2 Funny & U will watch it over & over! Much funnier than Mac & Devin (the Wiz & Snoop movie) #IJS

This is another African-American stoner film. This one stars Devin Copeland and Roland Powell and is a cut below others in this genre such as "Budz House." The inconsistent plot (which is okay for a stoner film) concerns our heroes trying to steal plants from hillbillies in western Kentucky. The film incorporates "chronic breaks" or mellow trips at certain times to add to the pot humor.

The production exhibits many low brow qualities with its frequent racial humor directed at both blacks and whites. Frequent use of the N-word. A poorly and immaturely written script, that in spite of all the short comings and as disgusted as I was, I did find myself laughing at some of the confrontations.

I loved the cartoon Chronic Break sequence of "Kush" which combined classic "Heavy Metal" type animation with a "Kill Bill" type hero. If only the whole film had measured up.

This is a film that is better if seen stoned and by someone who never lived through the early...

Hillbilly Highway
I bought it because i'm in it and I wanted to see how the project turned out. The union had to sue them before I got paid.

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