Monday, September 16, 2013


Very well executed, extremely well acted supernatural thriller
I am completely shocked about the last review! The person obviously has something "personal" against this film. Her rant sounds unreasonable and very off mark!
"The Ghostmaker"is a very entertaining supernatural thriller,not very original or extremely well directed, but, with good special effects, refined cinematography, and, delivers quite a few surprises!
All the cast is good, and, the drug dealer(Domiziano Arcangeli) is excellent.
The third act lacks a much deeper character's development,some more fascination, and, the dialog is at times very cliche'.
But, over all, it all comes out as a very well made product!
Infact, there's always something that keeps your interest alert, while, even some highly emotional moments give humanity to most leads and sub plots.
Again,it may not be a very artistic or profound film, as i was hoping, but, it is indeed a very enjoyable,unique movie, with a few, but, very thrilling moments, and, even some explicit ,and, timely...

This film was originally titled "Box of Shadows." "Ghost Machine" would have been a better title, but that was already taken a few times. Kyle (Aaron Dean Eisenberg) is a college kid with a rich beautiful girl friend Julie, (Liz Fenning) and a roommate Sutton (J. Walter Holland)in a wheel chair who has an unhealthy passion for Julie. Kyle also has a drug problem and a money problem.

While cleaning out a home, Kyle comes across a coffin the owner wants to dispose of. Kyle keeps the item and researches it with the help of a friend (Jared Grey) who adds the geek aspect to the film. This is a 15th century coffin with a music box in it. It was designed by the evil Wolfgang Von Tristem. When used, it gives a person an out of body experience, i.e. makes them a ghost.

The film is a little like "Altered States" and a bit like "Flatliners." The beginning of the film holds your attention as they go through a discovery phase. I loved the concept, but as the film progressed I...

The Ghost Maker
This movie was better than I expectd.It wasn't great but it was good.Alot better than most of these low budget horror movies.The movie managed to hold my intrest and didn't have that much gore in it.Instead it went with the spooky/creepy factor.That coffin contraption was pretty cool.The movie had an old school feel to it.It reminded me of an 80's movie,wich for me is a good thing since I grew up watching horror movies from that era.It kinda has a surprise ending.Although Some of you might figure it out.I think they could make a part 2 to this.Some thing's I didn't like were some of the characters and the ghostly special effects weren't that great but it had a good story.I give it 6/10 or 3 and a half stars.

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