Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Light: Live in Concert [Blu-ray]

great musicians
I have become a big Karnataka fan over the past few years. Rachael was awesome, and Lisa was also excellent. First band was great, second lineup also great musicians. I enjoyed watching the guys jam on this dvd as on their first dvd. I miss Rachael singing though and would have liked to see Lisa for her songs. Can you make an instrumental version? Ok I was going to give this dvd 2 stars but after watching a few more times had to up it to 4 just because I really like the music. So if you are wondering why I did not comment on the new singer, every time I thought about her emotionless (albeit pitch perfect) vocals, her bizarre and unnatural hand and body movements, and her half time wardrobe change... well momma said if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Did I mention how great the music is!

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