Sunday, September 8, 2013

Caretaker, The

Land Down Under Vampire Goodness
The vampire issue comes out of no where in Melbourne and is spread by another bloodsucker...the mosquito. The idea of a caretaker is pretty good as long as one of them isnt crazy with a maniquin in his bedroom. The action and acting are each pretty well done as well as what few special effects they have.

Chilling Vampire Fun from Australia
In a culture filled with sparkling vampires and teen-angst-romance-ridden vamp literature, it's nice to see that horror fans can still find solace in new and unique vampire films. When I first heard about THE CARETAKER and how dark it was, I thought to myself, "Now there's a vamp film that I need to check out!" The fine folks at MVD Visual sent me a copy to review, and I'm proud to announce that they have a sure-fire hit on their hands. THE CARETAKER is an excellent addition to the vampire genre, and it's one that horror fans should snatch up quickly.

THE CARETAKER is a bold and visionary film that gives us a gritty, realistic look at how an epidemic could possibly overtake society. This realism is one aspect that makes the film so appealing, and I am particularly impressed with how filmmaker Tom Conyers manages to pull it off. What starts off as mild concern amongst the population turns into full blown panic as the vampire virus starts affecting more and more...

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