Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bette Davis Collection 3

A boxed set in celebration of Bette Davis' 100th birthday
This set contains six films, all new to DVD in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bette Davis' birth. Here we are on the third DVD boxed set of Bette Davis films by Warner Home Video, and we are still getting A List properties. The details are as follows:

In This Our Life (1942) - In my opinion this is one of Davis' best films, yet TCM will show "Jezebel" ten times a year and never show this one. Davis and Olivia De Haviland play sisters. Davis runs off with her sister's husband right before she herself is to be married. As time passes, her ex-fiance falls for De Haviland's character, and they decide to be married. When the husband Davis absconded with kills himself, Davis returns home and decides she wants her ex-fiance back. This film spotlights the kind of scenery-chewing role that Davis excelled at. Extra features include:
Commentary by film historian Jeannine Basinger
Vintage newsreel
Technicolor patriotic short: March On, America!

It would be a unforgiveable deception to tell you that this Bette Davis, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains vehicle is anything but top rate glossy soap bubble popping high drama. A rainy day is the perfect time to watch this film, late afternoon when the light seems like it will last forever giving you that trapped in time feeling. This film evokes that effect through out. Wonderful light, and so much of it takes place in twilight, or in rain, and in the deepest inky night.

It may not be considered a film noir in the classic sense but it certainly, as shot by the incredible Ernest Haller; it looks like one and one of the most gorgeous of the style. It is more like a Woman's Noir with its story of a basically good woman driven by her deceptions to do bad things, very bad things.

Without a shadow of a doubt this is one of Claude Rains most entertaining, sharp, insightfully and wicked performances. He is pure joy to watch as he manipulates each person he comes in contact...

Special Features
Here is a list of the films on this set and the special features, as listed at Turner Classic Movies:

The Old Maid (1939)
Special Features:

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