Sunday, September 8, 2013

One Thousand Gifts: A DVD Study: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

DVD and Workbook Review :)
I am leading the One Thousand Gift DVD series at my church in January. I received the DVD as soon as I could. I have so ENJOYED your study. The book, which I read this past spring, was life changing for me and I am so excited to share the video series with my church! I have found myself turning the lessons on just to listen to and soak in while working at home above and beyond the work I put into them to lead. I am a photographer and the photos you share are a beautiful touch. The way you narrate your stories is very easy to follow. Also, as someone who has hearing loss, I greatly appreciate the bold, outlined words on the captions. The work book is more reflective than "study" and to me that helps bring change rather than "memorization" as I have been guilty of in past video studies. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for sharing!

I highly recommend this to anyone!

Ann Voskamp's writing reaches deep within and touches the very pulse of heart. She is able to communicate what I wish to say, but do not have that gift of language. One Thousand Thanks for Ann. She is one of God's true messengers.

Used for Women's Book Study
Used the dvds for a book study with a small group of women. Really enjoyed the book and study! Dvd is somewhat redundant of the book, but still worth watching. Her photos are really artistic!

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