Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups

This will be a new holiday classic
This is a great family movie and will be a new classic for kids of all ages. My younger daughter loves the dogs and my older daughter loved Josh Feldman, the human character who did a great job and will be the next Disney cutie. As a mom I loved the believable cast, great music and an important lesson learned at the end, not to mention that the whole family could sit and watch together. Buy and enjoy.

This children's movie is depressing.
I was looking for a movie for my kids - ages 5 and 2 1/2 - to watch as a treat. This seemed like a safe choice. How can you go wrong with a movie that has cute dogs and Santa? I was wrong. This movie is depressing. A significant part of the plot includes the (human) kids trying to deal with their first Christmas without their mom, who has recently died. I can deal with the sickeningly sappy parts of the movie, but the whole thing about the kids' mom's death is a bit much for a children's Christmas movie.

A fun family movie
This was a cute movie bringing forth the Santa Paws series again. My kids loved the original movie and when they saw that we had received this movie to watch the wasted no time in getting me to put it on. The premise of the movie was fun and the dogs definitely get into some mischief, but in the end they learn some valuable lessons about the Christmas season and about themselves and they share this with the viewers as well. I don't want to give away too much, but this movie was a lot of fun for the whole family, and if your kids are like my daughters they will love the movie and adore the puppies!

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