Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Bowery Boys: Volume One

AT LAST! Warner Officially Releases THE BOWERY BOYS!
Wow! I thought this DVD Set would never arrive, but after a long delay I must say that VOLUME ONE was worth the wait! Warner Brothers had been wanting to release all 48 films in this series for many years, but they kept waiting to find the best materials they could so each movie could look its best.

Here are 12 films in what is said to be the first volume of a 4-volume release. Because WB wanted to hold off on certain titles until they could find the best possible elements, VOLUME ONE is not in strict chronological film order; there are some movies missing which will likely come on future sets.

I have owned weak copies of all 48 films from other sources before, from broadcast recordings on TV. However, this DVD set boasts the best these particular films have ever looked, and probably ever will look. It must be remembered that these movies were cheaply made by Monogram Studios, and never were as sterling as your typical "A" product. Even with the occasional speck...

I've been waiting YEARS for The Bowery Boys to come out on quality dvds! This set is absolutely killer! The prints are great, and 100x better than the public domain crap that's more regularly available. Do yourself a favor and buy this set. Hopefully the sales for this set will be high enough to warrant a Volume 2!

After waiting 14 years Warner Brothers has finally started releasing the Bowery Boys films. It is said that they will release each volume quarterly, and priced at about fifty dollars each. They films are not in order of release, so you get a fair sampling of titles from different periods.

These films look great, although they are not from 35mm prints (16mm prints seem to have been used) they are crisp and clear throughout. These are not the same prints shown on TCM some years ago that looked awful. Warner Brothers did not use DVNR, thank God, so you get an exact transfer from the original film elements. The dics hold three titles each so they are not over compressed, and BIG SURPRISE these are NOT DVD-R they are commercially pressed DVDs!

So, sit back and enjoy the Bowery Boys complete and uncut. Thank you Warner Brothers!

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